Thursday, March 19, 2009

I need your help!

So I've been meaning to start this log where I definitively answer basic questions about life conepts. To get down in writing what and why I believe. I have often found myself in conversation with people that bring up questions in regard to Christianity and what it has to say about issues like relationships, money, the formation of life. Whatever the question is I always feel inadequate in my response. After I speak I always wish I had said more or that I said things in a different order. When I speak I don't sound assured in what I say I'm not confident.

Here I am with the Word of God, the power of Creation and the answers for everything but I speak timidly and unsure.

So I'm going to compile and script what I say to each of these questions. People deserve better answers than jumbled up responses. When I speak it should be articulate, in depth, and concise.

This is where I could use some help. I'm going to start a list of questions and slowly I will begin to script out my responses. If there are any additions or comments you have to make my responses better that would be awesome! I really would appreciate the help. Additionally, if you can think of questions that you hear a lot let me know and I can add it to the list!